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With this parttern you can do either Bright or Muted versions, based on the linen and floss you choose. 


Milady's Courting Conundrum (Bright)

Stitch count: 196 x 169

Linen: Bright Version: 40 ct Heirloom by Needle Bling Designs

Floss: Classic Colorworks, Gentle Art, Weeks Dye Works




Milady's Courting Conundrum (Muted)

Stitch count: 196 x 169

 Linen: Muted Version: 36 ct Heirloom by Needle Bling Designs

Floss: Classic Colorworks, Gentle Art, Weeks Dye Works

Milady's Courting Conundrum #1424w

SKU: #1424w
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